The word “Vigilance” says it all. No more verbal gymnasium need to explain more about the Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Bureau (VACB) in Kerala. But the political winds lashes crisscross over the concept of “Creative Vigilance” that was born out of the creative intelligence. The true crusader and vigilance chief Jacob Thomas is still sailing his ship over politically pampered waters of sponsored vigilance. When the odd...
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Research Studies recommends avoiding meat for a long and healthy life. The ultimate key to healthy ageing probably does lie in controlling our life style environment that includes eating too. From the available research outputs it is possible that eating a meat-free diet can contribute to the controlling of life style environment. Avoiding meat in your diet could certainly increase your chances of avoiding...
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The word “Selfie” was named as the word of the year by the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013. This wonderful word was first used by a drunken Aussie in 2002 who took a picture of his own blood-stained lip after a fall to exhibit the same to his friends. The successful journey of the “Selfie” thus fathomed the vast expanse of social media domains such as...
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The controversial Emperor Nero is not at all the Emperor of Disasters. New research explorations by Caillan Davenport and Shushma Malik from the University of Queensland concluded. Exceptionally empowered in A.D. 54 at the tender age of 16, Juvenile Emperor Nero allegedly murdered his two wives, his mother, and his aunt simultaneously married two different men and sleeping with his mother and a Vestal...
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Shalishi Sabha, Bengali equivalent of Khap panchayats, generally known as the Kangaroo court at Murshidabad, West Bengal asked man to cut wife’s hair for alleged adultery. A kangaroo court is a judicial tribunal or assembly that blatantly disregards recognized standards of law or justice, and often carries little or no official standing in the territory within which it resides. The term originated from Australia, may also apply...
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The report by Save the Children explodes the finding that One girl under the age of 15 is married every seven seconds in the world. Conflict, poverty and humanitarian crises are seen as major factors that enforced child marriage. The report says girls as young as 10 are forced to marry much older men in countries including Afghanistan, Yemen, India and Somalia. Early marriage can trigger...
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